42 research outputs found

    Field project-based learning to enhance structural design abilities for civil engineering students

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    Design courses need to embrace the exemplary nature of the civil engineering profession and to address the concerns of employers that engineering graduates are unprepared and poorly trained to face the engineering profession. The introduction of project-based learning is important because as a constructivist learning pedagogy, project-based approach emphasizes learning by doing via direct students’ engagement in projects, performed either individually or in groups. The objective of this research is to investigate the extent to which the students’ design abilities are enhanced through field project-based learning in structural reinforced concrete design course. The research was carried out on groups of student who were assigned design tasks at a local design firm. The data were collected through interviews, journal entries, direct observations and document analysis. These data were analysed using content analysis method and the results were later triangulated to increase the reliability and validity of the findings. The findings of the study have suggested that field project-based learning have enhanced students’ self-directed learning, fostered their professional skills as well as promoting their lifelong learning skills. The design projects have also lifted the students’ problem solving skill to an appropriate level. Another component of the finding involves the measurement for design projects. The findings have also indicated that stakeholders have high expectations of design projects in preparing students for workplace environment. Hence, it is imperative that an innovative instructional approach, which includes proper assessment for design course, is implemented in making design projects relevant to the students and the engineering programs

    Development of high workability grout on semi rigid wearing course

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    A composite pavement known as semi rigid wearing course is made by incorporating high workability fluid grout into a high porosity of porous asphalt skeleton. This fluid grout is particularly designed to have the consistency workability of water with high early and 28 – day strength. It is critical to maintain its high fluidity so it can flow through air voids while simultaneously generate high compressive strength with minimal porosity. The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of a known pozzolanic material towards the properties of fluid grout. A wide range of mix trials was formulated with various proportions of chemical and mineral admixtures. The fresh and hardened grout underwent flow cone and compressive test for its workability and strength determination respectively. The results obtained show that the combination of a known pozzolanic material and a known chemical admixture is possible to improve the fluidity of grout and strength when suitable and conducive mix proportions attained

    Heritage building preservation through building information modellling: reviving cultural values through level of development exploration

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    Despite the rich and diverse heritage buildings in Malaysia, they suffer from many problems and threats. Many heritage buildings are deteriorating, and this threatens the country’s cultural values. The deterioration of built heritage is a result of the poor inheritance of its related documentation and need to be addressed. Thus, this study brought forward the concept of preservation using Building Information Modelling (BIM). Exploring the potential of BIM as a preservation tool in reviving local cultural values might help to balance the problem of poor inheritance or inconsistency in managing historic and documentation maintenance. The aim of this paper is to study the relationship between levels of development (LOD) and usage of BIM in heritage building preservation. This study employs exploratory research using content analysis. The result of the study found that the availability of as-built details (LOD 500) of the building would be the crucial dataset needed for BIM to function in heritage building as H-BIM. This paper suggests on techniques available for constructing Level of Development (LOD) needed for H-BIM

    Spatial analysis on Malay buildings for categorization of Malay historic BIM library

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    Problem statement/Literature Review: In Malaysia, Malay cultural architecture is becoming a popular topic since Malay architecture is believed to have unique characteristics, which would be beneficial if translated into BIM environment. However, a BIM library needs a localized system and categorization for its interface since a cultural heritage library should reflect their own original identity of architecture. From literature, it was found that the traditional design form in Malay architecture can be identified through several aspects that are inherent physical elements in the design which can be sorted into five distinct categories which are (i) Structural members (ii) Non-structural members (iii) Aesthetic and decorative elements (iv) Spatial composition and organization and (v) Material and construction technology. Methodology: In order to develop a BIM library with cultural identity, this paper further the study on the characters of Malay architecture based on the spatial composition and organization aspect with respect to the theory of space and taxonomy. Results & Analysis: A spatial analysis on the layout of multiple historic Malay buildings consisting of commoners’ house and palaces were conducted where the naming of areas within the building zones was identified and presented to propose a novel categorization structure for Malay Historic BIM library. Conclusion: This study proposed an approach on how to address the issue of developing a BIM library based on the cultural architecture characters

    Engineering conventional and engineering technology programs in Malaysian universities

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    One of the goals of the education system in Malaysia is to ensure the development of highly educated, highly skilled and strongly motivated human resources to fulfill the needs of the nation and the requirements of the industry as well as to support the country's aspiration to be an industrialized nation. Thus, several government-funded universities in Malaysia are required to offer engineering technology programs. These universities are known as Malaysian Technical Universities Network (MTUN), comprising Universiti Teknikal Melaka, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn and Universiti Malaysia Perlis with a mission to educate and train highly skilled manpower that can contribute to the world class industrial nation. The purpose of engineering technology programs is to complement existing engineering conventional programs. This study reports the differences between engineering conventional programs and engineering technology programs in terms of curriculum design and delivery and assessment of student learning. This knowledge is important as it will differentiate the job scope of the graduates from both programs. The data collection method in this study was qualitative method involving document analysis and focus group interviews. The documents analyzed were Malaysian Qualifications Agency Program Standards for Engineering and Engineering Technology and Malaysian Engineering Program Accreditation Manual. The teaching staffs from MTUN were interviewed for data triangulation. The results indicate that there exist differences in the curriculum design and delivery and assessment of student learning for both programs

    Study of light weight concrete, behavior

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    expanding agent in that it increases the volume of the mixture while giving additional qualities such as nailbility and lessened the dead weight. It is lighter than the conventional concrete. The use of lightweight concrete has been widely spread across countries such as USA, United Kingdom and Sweden. The main specialties of lightweight concrete are its low density and thermal conductivity. Its advantages are that there is a reduction of dead load, faster building rates in construction and lower haulage and handling costs. Lightweight concrete maintains its large voids and not forming laitance layers or cement films when placed on the wall. This research was based on the performance of aerated lightweight concrete. However, sufficient water cement ratio is vital to produce adequate cohesion between cement and water. Insufficient water can cause lack of cohesion between particles, thus loss in strength of concrete. Likewise too much water can cause cement to run off aggreagate to form laitance layers, subsequently weakens in strength. Therefore, this fundamental research report is prepared to show activities and progress of the lightweight concrete. Focused were on the performance of aerated lightweight concrete such as compressive strength tests, water absorption and density and supplementary tests and comparisons made with other types of lightweight concrete

    Quality assurance through innovation policy: the pedagogical implications on engineering education

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    This study explores the role of science, technology and innovation to a country’s economy and examines the extent to which the engineering education field tallies with the national system of innovation

    Project-based engineering design education: A Malaysian case

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    Project–based learning approach is directly related to the application of knowledge as part of an effort to prepare graduates for their professional practice. In response to the evolving nature of engineering design and the integration of new ideas into existing system, the development of projects is placed as an important aspect of engineering. This is due to the fact that it offers students the opportunity to apply fundamental engineering concepts to real life activities, hence assist them to better grasp the engineering theories. This has raised several questions on the implementation of project-based approach in the engineering curriculum. To what extent has the project contribute to students’ learning outcome? What types of problems does the faculty experience when utilizing this teaching method? What are the students’ expectations on the project element in their studies? This paper evaluates the implementation of a Reinforced Concrete Design course in a civil engineering undergraduate program. Specifically, it will examine the project-based learning which is integrated as the course component. Views from the teachings staff in implementing the design project will be reported and students’ perceptions of the project component is investigated and further analysed. The research will contribute to the growing discussions on the diverse approaches employed in the teaching and learning of engineering design courses

    Consumer perceptions and attitudes toward local honey in Sabah

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    Analysing consumers perception is one way to determine whether or not local honey can fulfill the varied needs of its customer.". Using factor analysis the perception patterns of honey consumers have been grouped into 5 topical aspects namely honey characteristics, regulation, brand loyalty, freshness and honey properties. Consumers prefer local honey base Oil its characteristics. its freshness and its properlies. Regulation is needed to ensure that local honey is fresh and pure. Imported honey has created brand loyalty among consumers because of its availability, pricing and consistency ill branding